Thursday, April 2, 2009

Guinea Pig 101

Okay, so now I bet that you are wondering why the title is Guinea Pig 101 and not something random like it has been for he past few days. Well I finnaly got to decide what I am going to post about today. So I am going to post about white tigers. The reason why is because they are like the cutest thing in the world. I know that tigers are cute but when you add that white it looks like it is a tiger that has been rolling in the snow, and I like snow. I think that they are pretty.
Did you know that white tigers are also known as Bengal Tigers, and is about 3meters long. The fur of the white tiger lies flat and it stripes are darker than a normal tiger. They have beautiful blue eyes, a pink nose, and even chocolate colored stripes. This white tiger is very rare in the wild. That is so sad. I think that we should do everything to save this beautiful animal. I mean who doesn't not like a white tiger. They are normally found in Asia and India. They like to live in places that they can be camoflauged. I think that they would be doing great except for mean pochers who kill them. I would never kill a animal. This animals body parts is used in medicine in China so if people want to make fast money they will hunt white tigers. How mean is that? If you think that that is mean leave me a comment on my blog telling me your real feelings. White tigers are very good swimmers but poor climbers. They may be slow runners but they sure can catch a meal.
That was all really interesting facts. I even learned something today writing this post. I hope you did too. If you have any feelings to share with me about this post leave a comment and I will comment back to you. Thanks for coming to Guinea Pig 101 and I can't wait to see you next time! BYE

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