Monday, April 6, 2009

Christmas in the Spring

Now I know that you are wondering why I am going to blog about Christmas. Well I was sitting at the computer thinking about what I should blog about while I was talking to my best friend and we were starting talking about the easter bunny. Then we started talking about Santa Clause, and thats how I got the subject of Christmas.

I don't know about you but I think that Santa Clause is like a ninja. I mean he can travel all across the world in one night and not even get caught. I would love to be Santa Clause. Actually no I would not because he only has time for his toy making and all of the kids in the world. What ever happened to himself and his wife. Now I don't know about you but I like Christmas. It is a time to get together with your family and get presents. The presents part is my favorite. No I am just kidding. I like being with my family more. Because during the school year you don't get to spend much time with your family. But during Christmas break it is all about you family. That is what Christmas is all about. It is not about you, or the presents, it is about spending time with you family and remembering the day Jesus Christ was born. I think that it is time for people to realize that, and that it is time to forget about the rest of the world for one night of the week and spend some time with your family. I am going to start doing this also. It is the perfect time for everyone.

Well that is all for today. Can't wait till next time on Guinea Pig 101. Oh yeah, by the way, I am keeping my name for my blog for a little bit longer. That is until I can find a better name. Like I said before, see you next time on Guinea Pig 101. Have a good rest of the day. BBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

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