Friday, April 3, 2009

Don't know?

Well nobody has told me what I should name my blog so I am going to do it myself. It might take me awhile to do it but I will get done.
Today I am going to talk about random things because I am a random person. First off I do not like snow anymore. I was suppost to go to a volleyball tournament but the snow is getting in my way. Because the roads are bad I more than likely won't get to go. What a disaster.
Since I won't go to the games I will have to stay at home and babysit. Don't get me wrong I like to babysit, but I had funner things planned. Like going to the mall, staying with friends, and most of all, I was going to play some vollyball.
Volleyball is my favorite sport. It involves hard work, strength, and most of all fun. The only bad about it is that you get hurt a lot. Like last week I popped a blood vessal and it bruised up like way bad. Then one time I hurt my ankle, and then another time I ran into my friend going after the ball. Well actually I do that last thing a lot. It is REALLY easy to do and it hurts REALLY bad if you hit the ground. Whenever that happens the best thing to do is get up right away and get ready for the next hit.
I like dogs. WOW that was random, but like I said I am a random person. Dogs are cute. I like rottweilars. They are really cute and are not mean. Only if that is how you train them to be. Pit Bulls have been proven to be one of the nicest dogs in the world. They like to please their owners. Which is why people buy them for fighting dogs. But let me get something, dog fighting is mean and I hope one you are on the other side of the fight one of these days.

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