Friday, April 24, 2009


Well I was half way through my blog when I found out that I have to blog about we spoke about today in science. So I posted my other blog that was not even close to being done and had to start typing this one. I am not sure what to type though because I have no questions. My brain does not work that way. I pay attention. Take note of what I have learned and that is all the farther that I will go. So this is going to be a really hard post. All I can really say is that I have a class that is full of questions. We spent the whole entire class asking questions. I wish that I could have actually learned something. Lets see now. We talked about fires and explosives. That was kind of cool. But most of all we had to talk about the elements. I don't know why though. But we started on the elements my class becan thinking of questions. Then we got side tracked and there went our lesson for the day. We spent the rest of the time talking about ways to mix elements so they will blow up. We talked about soium,carbon,phosperus, and sulfur. My favorite one to talk about is neon. There is so much magnificents in it. You always want to bee looking up stuff about it. I like how it can glow when energy is put through it. That is pretty cool. That is really all I can think of. So goodbye for now.

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