Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey everybody! Are y'all ready to get down and dirty with some facts about Wyoming. Heehaw well lets get to it. There is something cool here in Wyoming. I myself have seen it. It is the buffalo jump in between Sundance and Spearfish. It is right off the side of the road and was made by the Indians. Very interesting. Now for another tourist attraction there is state park in Wyoming. This was the first state national park. Who would of thought that something like that would happen in Wyoming. I don't know but that state park is called Yellow Stone State Park. I have never been there but yet I hear so many exciting storys about this place. It is beautiful there, and there is lots of exciting things to do. I have not even gotten started have I. Well it is very cold and snowy here. When there is ice on the ground you are more than likely to fall. One I had visited on winter break and it was really cold. Snow was all over the place and so was ice. Ice really does not help the people who can not walk in the first place. But during the summer it is a beautiful green place. Every where around is green and lush. There is a lot of wildlife and it is perfect to go swimming and take walks during the day. Speaking of wildlife did you know that we have buffalo and wolves here. We were the first state to bring wolves back the the United States and make people stop killing them. Wow! Wyoming is so awesome. Some day I would like to live there but until then every time I visit I sokoe up the beauty. Thanks for reading my blog. Until next time BBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I FLIPPING LUV YOU GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
